BLOG OF POOTENHEIMER... Fear it, Love it
Carpe Diem
Yes. Seize the day! I've seized a few days lately. One of which was Friday. I had a co-worker come by, we got some food. It was Cinco De Mayo, so maybe that was motivation to be a little crazier. We picked up some food to go, and I was talking to the girl at the counter. She was rather cute, and when we get back to the car after grabbing the food, I was thinking, "Why should I hesitate?" So yes! Yes, dear reader, I went back inside and asked her out. I must admit, it's the most unique response I've gotten yet. She laughed and smiled, said thanks, and said, "Thanks, but I've got a girlfriend." Yes, that's right. A GIRLfriend. I made some comment about saying that was a valid excuse, and she gave me props on being brave. Not sure if it was because I reacted in a more positive way to her admission of having a girlfriend, or because I came in and just asked her out. And if you think she made it up, I actually made a comment about she didn't have to make that up, if she didn't think I was "worthy" (in so many words) she could just outright reject me, and that'd be better. She said no, she was telling the truth, and showed me a ring. So looks like I just picked the wrong girl.
Oh well! It's probably better that way. It's too bad, though - she was quite lovely. But I did seize the day. Or the night, I guess.
And this past week I've been seizing days all over the place! Yes, working my butt off. Not at work, mind you, but after work. Trying to get my business going more. And it seems to be working! I actually seem to be in the black on a daily basis now, which is a BIG accomplishment for me. Deep down, I'd like to brag about it, but I don't think I have much to brag about. Yet. I'll just keep my nose to the grindstone and so forth, and perhaps I'll get there.
Speaking of bragging and things I don't brag about, I DID get my black belt. Finally. It feels weird to be wearing it now, but I rather like being in all black while I'm teaching. Ooh! We have a lion dance coming up. For a birthday party. Imagine that. There will be some rather surprised girl this next weekend. Should be fun.
Speaking of lion dancing, Sifu's teaching me and Cory a new move. He wants something fancy for our tournament (June 10th), so we need to learn something new. And something new we've learned. It involves jumping from elevated positions. Rather scary, but since Sifu seems to think I can jump rather nicely, he has no qualms asking us to do it. So that means we have no choice but to do it. Hopefully everything will be polished by the time we perform it.
Speaking of performing, Sihing and I went to the Renaissance Fair on Sunday. It was crizzazy. Straight out of my childhood imagination. I was impressed. We got to check out all the booths, and we were there in time to see a jousting competition. I have video of it, but I'll put that up a little later (I need sleep soon). And we also tried our hands at archery, which I haven't done in forever. Turns out my skills were actually not too bad, for not having done it in forever. I nailed the target dead on a few times. Maybe that could be a side hobby. Could be fun! At any rate, we'll probably go back again sometime this month, but with some cash to partake of the lovely events and massive food items.
Okay, that's enough for tonight. I should get some sleep. Work tomorrow, then more work, then play! It'll be good. Random link time - don't know how many of you check this regularly, but Google's video page has some crazy stuff on it. You know, cute things, amazing things, and sometimes just weird things. Oh! And one more thing. Even though Wii is weird for a name, I'm definitely going to get one. And I think you might want one, too, when you see what it's like to play it.
Goodness! This college degree thing sounds interesting. In just two weeks? Why'd I waste 8 years to get my Master's degree? I guess being a doctor in just 2 weeks means you're a quick study. Either that, or I'd NEVER TRUST YOU.
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as of 10/23/03